Their humble servant, H.Berrow

  • 16 Jan 2012
  • Newspaper Surveys
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On taking over the Worcester Journal, Harvery Berrow issued the following announcement, adored with a curious engraving of 'The West Prospect of Worcester': 'Mr. Bryan having lately declined printing the Worcester Journal, it is now undertaken by H.Berrow (who served a regular Apprenticeship in London), and will be conducted in such manner and contain such a Variety of Miscellaneous Pieces as shall render it in all Respects very useful and entertaining. This Paper is publish'd (every Thursday) several hours sooner than usual, and all proper (tho' expensive) Means are taken to extend its circulation, in order that the Intention of Advertising therein may be better answered; upon these considerations, it is hop'd the Public will favour the undertaking with Encouagement whilst, to oblige them to the Utmost, it shall be the constant endeavour of

Their humble servant, H.Berrow.
Note - Having Purchas'd all Mr. Bryan's Materials, I carry on the Printing Business in all its Branches, at my Office in Goose Lane, near the Cross, Worcester.