Berrow's Worcester Journal

  • 16 Jan 2012
  • Newspaper Surveys
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From October 11, 1753, the title became Berrow's Worcester Journal. Harvey Berrow carried on the Journal until his death on August 16th, 1776, when his eldest son, also Harvey Berrow, continued the publication, but not for long. Harvey Berrow  11 died in the following year, on June 11, 1777, and was succeeded by his sister, Elizabeth Berrow, whose name appeared upon the Journal until December 23, 1779 after which her name is superseded by that of John Tymbs, to whom she was married on September 23, 1779.

In August 1780, the place of business was removed to The Cross, and another move was made in 1801, when it was transferred to 53 High Street. In 1808 John Tymbs took his eldest son, Henton James, into partnership and the Journal was conducted under the firm of John Tymbs & Son. In January 1811, Harvey Berrow Tymbs was taken into the firm, which became John Tymbs & Sons. At Midsummer 1816, the partnership was dissolved, and the Journal became the sole property of Harvey Berrow Tymbs. In September 1822 he took Henry Deighton into partnership, which was dissolved in August 1836, and from then, the line of continuity with the first proprietor is broken. Henry Deighton, John Hyde, and George Bentley became proprietors of the Journal.