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Bridges and Ferries Articles

Plan of Worcester's Bridge from South Side

Plan of Worcester's Bridge from South Side

Plan of the New Worcester Bridge looking from South side..

Sketch Drawings of the Bridges on the Severn

Sketch Drawings of the Bridges on the Severn

Sketch's of Bridges on the Severn - From below Upton-On-Severn to Gloucester 

A Practical Remembrance at Ironbridge Gorge

A Practical Remembrance at Ironbridge Gorge

At the place where the first iron bridge was built, what better memorial than to erect an iron foot bridge as a war memorial. It spans the Severn between the villagers of Jackfield and Coalport. It has an iron plate at each end reminding walkers....

County Bridges in Tudor & Stuart Periods

County Bridges in Tudor & Stuart Periods

There was considerable building, or rebuilding of county bridges, some of stone, during this period. In the Quarter Sessions records from 1599 to 1642 (before the Civil War). In the Quarter Sessions records from......

The Old Welsh Bridge at Shrewsbury, by Paul Sandby, c.1778

The Old Welsh Bridge at Shrewsbury, by Paul Sandby, c.1778

The Old Welsh Bridge at Shrewsbury, by Paul Sandby, c.1778 


An Introduction to Worcestershire's Historic Bridges

An Introduction to Worcestershire's Historic Bridges

The destruction of many of Worcestershire's ancient bridges in the first half of last century on the grounds  that they were not suited to modern traffic, has been disastrous. Many were of great historical interest, and of great beauty, but the County authority, whose duty it was to maintain them, have in the past been induced either to destroy them and build a new bridge, or to transform the old one so that it bears little resemblance to the original. Only in recent times can it be said that much attention has been given to the ........

Roman Bridges

Roman Bridges

There was considerable iron-smelting at Worcester in Roman times, and it is most probable that a bridge existed across the River Severn to enable fuel and iron-cre from the western bank to reach the bloomery hearths on the east side. When the rail bridge at Worcester was being built in 1860, great stumps of ancient timbers were taken from the bed of the river. They could have been the remains of a medieval bridge, but in the ........ 

The First Bridges

The First Bridges

Originally there were no bridges, and the streams and rivers were crossed by fords and ferries. The danger of crossing in floods, or at night, and the inconvenience of waiting for the ferry led to the building of bridges. At first a crossing was by .... 

Hanley Quay Ferry

Hanley Quay Ferry

The only reference to a ferry at this point, known to the present day, is one by Mrs. Berkeley, who in 1924, wrote of a waterside inn called the Hanley Quay, as follows:..

Upper Lode Ferry Inn.

Upper Lode Ferry Inn.

In 1791, a Cameron (of Worcester) became tenant of the ferry with the public house adjoining. The license for the pub was granted in 1564. There was no bridge between Glos. and Upton and this was the.. 

Twyning Fleet Inn

Twyning Fleet Inn

Twyning Fleet Inn Ferry

'There is a ferry attached to this hotel which lands on the Bredon side, on which a rate is levied. The ferry right was granted by charter in 17c, and up until 1923 it was a distinct advantage to the house, but due to changes in transport' 


Ripple 'Lock-Stake'

Ripple 'Lock-Stake'

Ripple 'Lock-Stake' was the dividing line in regulations applicable to ..

Uckinghall Ferry, Ripple

Uckinghall Ferry, Ripple

This was the last of the Severn ferries in Worcestershire. In the hamlet of Uckinghall, the battered stump of a medieval wayside cross still stands to direct travellers to the river crossing here... 

Saxon's Lode Ferry, Ripple

Saxon's Lode Ferry, Ripple

The ferry here dates back many centuries, though the name 'Saxon' is said to have been the name of a distant ferryman. There is still a well-defined road leading to the crossing on the east bank from Stratford.. 

The Crossing at Upton-On-Severn

The Crossing at Upton-On-Severn

The crossing at Upton-on-Severn is on the ancient and very important route from the Welsh border to the Avon Valley, by way of the Hollybush Pass, at the south end of the Malvern Hills. It was a route long used, back in medieval times, by the drovers of Welsh cattle and sheep to English markets. The medieval ferry was ..