Reduction in Fares

  • 26 May 2023
  • Early Vehicles
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With electrification came the rebuilding of the horse-tram depot in St. John's, and a reduction in fares. The fare on the horse-tram was two pence (2d). for any journey, and it took 15 minutes to go half a mile. Fairbairn reduced the fares to one and half pence, and later brought in a general penny fare. In 1908, a special cheap transfer ticket was issued for two short journeys to the centre of the town and back, for 1d.

As previously stated, there was a uniform fare of 1d. from the City centre to an suburban terminus, but in 1920 this was increased to 1/2d, except for the Shrub Hill and London Road routes, on which the old fare was unaltered. Malvern Road also had a 1d. fare to the Bull Ring, St. John's.

A simple set of tickets sufficed, 1d and later 1-1/2d.