Cathedral Chimes & County Cricket & Cricket Interruptions at Worcester

On the Worcester New Road ground you cannot get away from the Cathedral, The great clock-bell booms. There were occasions when the match is in progress, when the great peal of twelve bells rang out, the very ground seems to vibrate. Every three hours the chimes rang out in tumult of joy and daily blessing. There were seven barrels to the great music box, with a variety of 48 tunes to delight everyone, some with sacred setting, others secular. But 7 x7 made 49, The girl l left behind me was played twice, once as its own sad self, and again as Old English March. There is a legend that when Bradman was amassing his famous double centuries (1939, 11934, 1938) at Worcester, a dignitary of the Cathedral, a great cricket enthusiast, changed the ordered chime appointed for the day to Poor Tom Bowling.

In the Minor Counties days a match with Berkshire was interrupted by a great black sow waddling from the adjacent piggery into the centre of the ground. In the early First Class Days, a Derbyshire match was stopped by a wild rabbit dashing between the players. A decade later, an Australian match was held up for a few moments by a tine mouse which came out to inspect the crease (and ran back to tell the occupants of the ladies enclosure).