Shewringe's Hospital, The Tything

  • 24 Oct 2021
  • Historical Studies
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Thomas Shewringe was the celebrated Mayor of Worcester, who with the members of the Corporation, accompanied King James ll to the door of the Roman Catholic Chapel, but declined the invitation to attend Mass in their official capacity, saying, 'I fear, your Majesty, we have gone too far already'. He founded a small hospital in 1702, on the east side of the Tything, where Kay's second office stood but more recent times a Employment Recruitment company. He endowed it 'for six poor widows and poor ancient maidens, one each from the parishes of St. Helens, Andrew's, Clements, Swithun , All Saints and the Tything'.

It was a charming group of small houses with the names of the six parishes carved on the window sills. The income was misapplied as at St. Oswald's, but an application to the Court of the Exchequer in 1812 made restitution. The inmates were granted a pension of 2s. a week, which in those days, was considered adequate competancy for the thrifty poor. The principal source of income in the later half of the 19th century appears to have been derived from McNaught's Carriage Works which was built on Hospital land next door. The charity was controlled by the Six Masters, in the 1920s the houses were demolished and the land sold.