Fight to Save the Golden Lion Finds 400 year Inventory Berrows 12.2.1984

Those battling to save Worcester's Golden Lion as a pub have made a remarkable discovery which adds weight to their campaigns.

An astonishing 400 years-old inventory shows that the long cellar of the Golden Lion was in use as a city tavern way back in 1567. This evidence that the building has been an 'ale house' for at least four centuries comes in the form of a quill and parchment scroll, just six inches wide but more than 13 feet long.

It's an inventory of everything that was in the cellar tavern- from tankards to tables - and has been found in the will of John Walsgrove who died in 1567. He was a leading local worthy, a councillor, one time bailiff of the city and a mercer - a dealer in fabrics. 

The Golden Lion - was originally his town house, but had the tavern below