The Crown Inn, Evesam

The Crown Inn was one of the inns sheltering beneath the walls of Evesham Abbey. It existed before the destruction of that great building, and probably found it convenient to change its name in those troubled times.

It has always been connected with the legend  of the hiding of the Abbey's silver bells, which, tradition has it lies somewhere beneath the River Avon.  In 1952, the Evesham Historical Society began investigating of the old well in the foyer of the Crown, with the help of a 'dowser'. A passage was discovered ten ft  from the well's surface, and about 25 feet above water level. It was built of brick 31/2 ft and   14ft long. Another passage could be seen leading off, but this was blocked.

The Crown was the principal coaching inn in the town, and with the Northwick Arms, were the only two Evesham inns to furnish post horses. It originally had galleries around the courtyard. It had much to do with travellers, the celebrated highwaymen,  'Captain' Thomas Dangerfield, arrived here one dark day in December. But he:

                  'not being pleased with the man at the Crown, l went to the Angel at Parshore'