Tonnage Burdens to Severn Ports

  • 17 Jan 2012
  • Severn Crafts
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The whole navigation extended 160 miles, as far upstream as Pool Quay, Welshpool, Montgomeryshire. Severn ports could be reached by vessels of the following burdens: Gloucester 110 tons, Tewkesbury 90, Worcester 80, Stourport and Bewdley 60, Shrewsbury 40, Pool Quay, Montegomeryshire 30 tons.Pool Quay was reached only during October to May by vessels of 30 tons, and before the opening of the Shropshire Union Canal in 1794. The above navigation was accomplished without locks, but with the help of the tide which came up to Worcester, and to Bewdley on high spring tides, and backed up the waters higher up.