1854 The Severn Steamer

  • 17 Jan 2012
  • Severn Crafts
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'The Severn Steamer which was built in London, and had been plying for some time on the River Severn, it was about 90 ft long by 11 ft beam; and was drawing about 2 ft of water; steams about 10 miles an hour; and was certified to carry 300 passengers. The engines were nearly as good as new. The Boiler and Condensers, which was in thorough repair, was fitted with new tubes, by which means the Boiler was supplied with fresh water. The Air and Feed Pumps was worked by a separate new Engine'  So ran the description of the Severn which was sold by auction at Worcester Bridge on September 14, 1860. The proprietor had been Thomas Farr, a coal merchant, Upper Quay, Worcester.