Lady Carlton

  • 16 Jan 2012
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Prominent in all the events at the Worcester Theatre Royal was Lady Carlton. She was an actress of great charm and beauty, and of some renown when she married Artur Carlton, the Lessee of the Theatre Royal, where she 'once played triumphantly in Shakespeare'. She was Mayoress of Worcester five times, and became Lady when her husbandwas knighted after the 1914-18 War. They lost their son in that war.
She lived at the great house Colehurst, on Rainbow Hill, and entertained in great style. She was associated with Worcester for 34 years, and leader of its social life. Those who knew, confided with some amusement on official occasions, that she was the only Worcester Mayoress shot out of a cannon, for before becoming an actress, she worked in a circus being the human, but very charming, bullet.
At the death of Sir Arthur she became for a time, proprietor of the Theatre Royal. She retired to live in Bath.