Strolling Players and Edward Jackson, Mayor of Worcester, 1723

  • 16 Jan 2012
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The following squib is in the Prattington Collection in the possession of the Society of Antiquaries:

'To the Rt  Worshipful the Mayor of Worcester; occasioned by his having said he would suffer neither Player nor Puppet, or even a Monkey to be seen in town'.

'You say, Mr. Mayor,
Not so much as a Player,
Nor Puppet you suffer
Nor Monkey in Town.

The point, Mr. Mayor,
You've hit to a Hair,
Your Office, 'tis said,
You had sooner lay down,
Should any Squire Morgan
With head strange as Gorgon,
Strut forth a Baboon in silk
Tambour or Satin;
I hope Mr. Jackson
You'll buckle his Caxon
And send all such Monkeys
a-packing, a-packing'!

M' so Macaroni.