Edward Webb took a prominent part in the life of the City, He was Mayor in 1847-8, and was a strong supporter of Dr. Charles Hastings during the local battle for the Health of Towns Act, when even divided Mathew Pierpoint, for instance, was vehement in opposition. At a public meeting Pierpoint produced a toy whose joints were moved by a string, to illustrate what the Town Council would be in the hands of the Central Board - and this at a time when Cholera was killing thousands.
Edward Webb was responsible for local art exhibitions - Constable's Salisbury Cathedral was on show in one - and it is said led to the 'Worcester School' which produced B.W.Leader, R.A and others who specialised in landscapes. When the British Archaeological Society visited Worcester he organised a Soiree at the Guildhall, a visit to Sudeley Castle which Dent had recently acquired, and supported the lectures to which citizens were invited to see the unrolling of a mummy at the Shirehall.