Wall's Bakery, Friar St

  • 6 Oct 2011
  • Worcester People and Places
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This old house has long been used by Bakers, and is a good example of a trade once established on a site, continues through the centuries. The first baker recorded was Gabriel Walwyn, in 1656, and a long line of bakers followed through to the 20th century with the Wall family. They were renowned for their cakes, especially for their gooey lardy cakes. People came from all parts to but them. The business finished in the mid - 1970s. Their products were as popular as ever, but the business had been left to the various members of the family, some of whom had no interest in baking, and wanted the money. An attempt was made to find an answer to the financial problem and to continue baking, but without success, and after over 300 years, baking at the place ceased.