
  • 15 Jan 2012
  • Worcester People and Places
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In 1646, the number of inhabitants within the City was 7,176; the garrison was 2,007, making a total of 9,183, but it was not until the 19th century that accurate figures were available from official census returns:-

  • 1801 - 13,670 1841 - 28,250 1881 - 35,072 1931 - 48,833
  • 1811 - 16,164 1851 - 29,956 1891 - 42,908 1939 - 56,378
  • 1821 - 21,542 1861 - 32,837 1901 - 46,771 1951 - 62,096
  • 1831 - 25,581 1871 - 34,469 1911 - 47,771 1971 - 73,445

The 1931 figure was not accepted by the Corporation and was revised to 50,000. The 1939 figure was obtained by Registration for War Purposes.

Prices in Worcester were always lower than those of London. In 1908 against the London index 100, the Worcester index was : Meat 93, Coal, Groceries and Meat (all commodities, 94). Rent and Prices combined 86.