James Plum & Son, a Worcester Cutler

  • 16 Jan 2012
  • Trade and Industry
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For over 70 years, James Plum, father and son, carried on a cutlers business in High Street. They were among a number of old established residents there who lived over the shop in the old manner. The Plum family had been cutlers in London since the beginning of the 18th century. James came to Worcester and set up a shop in that trade near the Guildhall, on the same side. Later, he moved to the opposite side, selling tools and cutlery for many years, on the site later occupied by the Scotch Wool shop, No 38. In 1907, the business was removed to St.Nicholas St. and in 1926, this property was brought by the Co-operative Society, and Plum opened a shop in Lowesmoor. Later, Frank Plum disposed of the business to Messrs. Whiteman of Silver Street. For over a hundred years the name of Plum was stamped on old heavy old-fashioned knives on sale in Worcester.